Template - My Book Notes template
Here's a video guide for installing user scripts in QuickAdd.
Basically, you'll want to create a new JavaScript file (file extension is .js
) with the contents of the script. Then, in the script, you see the YOUR_READWISE_TOKEN
, which is where you'll want to insert your Readwise token (find it here).
Now you need to create a new macro. To do so, open the Macro Manager, enter a name for it (I use Readwise
), and then click Add
. Then click Configure
on that macro. Once a modal opens, select the user script you've created and click Add
Once that's done, you can use the template provided below. If you have your own, then you can just use the {{MACRO:Readwise::instaFetchBook}}
to insert the highlights. If you called your macro something else than Readwise
, replace Readwise
with that.
This template should be added to a Template choice, and should be given values that resemble this:
The template path should be the path the template made based on the one here.
Notably, the book's name would be the one selected. I have chosen to write prepend a {
before it, as I use this to denote literature notes in my vault.
The remaining settings are up to you. Activating this choice will open a menu which allows you to choose a book, and the book notes will be used appended to the template.
You can customize the template as much as you like, but make sure to keep the {{MACRO:Readwise::instaFetchBook}}
, as that is what gets the highlights (and where they'll be inserted).
Most of the setup is shown in the gif.
module.exports = { start, getDailyQuote, instaFetchBook, getBooks };
const apiUrl = "https://readwise.io/api/v2/";
const books = "📚 Books",
articles = "📰 Articles",
tweets = "🐤 Tweets",
supplementals = "💭 Supplementals",
podcasts = "🎙 Podcasts",
searchAll = "🔍 Search All Highlights (slow!)";
const categories = {
const randomNumberInRange = (max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
const token = "YOUR_READWISE_TOKEN";
let quickAddApi;
async function start(params) {
({ quickAddApi } = params);
let highlights;
const category = await categoryPromptHandler();
if (!category) return;
if (category === "searchAll") {
highlights = await getAllHighlights();
} else {
let res = await getHighlightsByCategory(category);
if (!res) return;
const { results } = res;
const item = await quickAddApi.suggester(
results.map((item) => item.title),
if (!item) return;
params.variables["author"] = `[[${item.author}]]`;
const res2 = await getHighlightsForElement(item);
if (!res2) return;
highlights = res2.results.reverse();
const textToAppend = await highlightsPromptHandler(highlights);
return !textToAppend ? "" : textToAppend;
async function getBooks(params) {
const { results: books } = await getHighlightsByCategory("books");
const bookNames = books.map((book) => book.title);
const selectedBook = await params.quickAddApi.suggester(
params.variables["Book Title"] = selectedBook;
return selectedBook;
async function instaFetchBook(params) {
const bookTitle = params.variables["Book Title"];
if (!bookTitle) return await start(params);
const { results: books } = await getHighlightsByCategory("books");
const book = books.find((b) =>
if (!book) throw new Error("Book " + bookTitle + " not found.");
params.variables["author"] = `[[${book.author}]]`;
const highlights = (await getHighlightsForElement(book)).results.reverse();
return writeAllHandler(highlights);
async function getDailyQuote(params) {
const category = "supplementals";
const res = await getHighlightsByCategory(category);
if (!res) return;
const { results } = res;
const targetItem = results[randomNumberInRange(results.length)];
const { results: highlights } = await getHighlightsForElement(targetItem);
if (!highlights) return;
const randomHighlight = highlights[randomNumberInRange(highlights.length)];
const quote = formatDailyQuote(randomHighlight.text, targetItem);
return `${quote}`;
async function categoryPromptHandler() {
const choice = await quickAddApi.suggester(
if (!choice) return null;
return choice;
async function highlightsPromptHandler(highlights) {
const writeAll = "Write all highlights to page",
writeOne = "Write one highlight to page";
const choices = [writeAll, writeOne];
const choice = await quickAddApi.suggester(choices, choices);
if (!choice) return null;
if (choice == writeAll) return writeAllHandler(highlights);
else return await writeOneHandler(highlights);
function writeAllHandler(highlights) {
return highlights
.map((hl) => {
if (hl.text == "No title") return;
const { quote, note } = textFormatter(hl.text, hl.note);
return `${quote}${note}`;
async function writeOneHandler(highlights) {
const chosenHighlight = await quickAddApi.suggester(
highlights.map((hl) => hl.text),
if (!chosenHighlight) return null;
const { quote, note } = textFormatter(
return `${quote}${note}`;
function formatDailyQuote(sourceText, sourceItem) {
let quote = sourceText
.filter((line) => line != "")
.map((line) => {
return `> ${line}`;
const attr = `\n>\\- ${sourceItem.author}, _${sourceItem.title}_`;
return `${quote}${attr}`;
function textFormatter(sourceText, sourceNote) {
let quote = sourceText
.filter((line) => line != "")
.map((line) => {
if (sourceNote.includes(".h1")) return `## ${line}`;
else return `> ${line}`;
let note;
if (sourceNote.includes(".h1") || sourceNote == "" || !sourceNote) {
note = "";
} else {
note = "\n\n" + sourceNote;
return { quote, note };
async function getHighlightsByCategory(category) {
return apiGet(`${apiUrl}books`, { category, page_size: 1000 });
async function getHighlightsForElement(element) {
return apiGet(`${apiUrl}highlights`, {
book_id: element.id,
page_size: 1000,
async function getAllHighlights() {
const MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 1000;
const URL = `${apiUrl}highlights`;
let promises = [];
const { count } = await apiGet(URL);
const requestsToMake = Math.ceil(count / MAX_PAGE_SIZE);
for (let i = 1; i <= requestsToMake; i++) {
promises.push(apiGet(URL, { page_size: MAX_PAGE_SIZE, page: i }));
const allHighlights = (await Promise.all(promises)).map((hl) => hl.results);
return allHighlights;
async function apiGet(url, data) {
let finalURL = new URL(url);
if (data)
Object.keys(data).forEach((key) =>
finalURL.searchParams.append(key, data[key])
return await fetch(finalURL, {
method: "GET",
cache: "no-cache",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Token ${token}`,
}).then(async (res) => await res.json());
tags: in/books
- <% tp.file.title.replace('{ ', '') %>
# Title: [[<%tp.file.title%>]]
## Metadata
Type:: [[{]]
Author:: {{VALUE:author}}
Reviewed Date:: [[<%tp.date.now("gggg-MM-DD - ddd MMM D")%>]]
Finished Year:: [[<%tp.date.now("gggg")%>]]
# Thoughts
# Actions Taken / Changes
# Summary of Key Points
# Highlights & Notes