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QuickAdd API

The API is an interface accessible from scripts, macros and choices.

As of v0.8.0, the API is available for public consumption from just app.plugins.plugins.quickadd.api.
This means you can use the API methods found below in your Dataviewjs scripts, Templater scripts, and so on.

inputPrompt(header: string, placeholder?: string, value?: string): Promise<string>

Opens a prompt that asks for an input. Returns a string with the input.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

wideInputPrompt: (header: string, placeholder?: string, value?): Promise<string>

Opens a wide prompt that asks for an input. Returns a string with the input.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

yesNoPrompt: (header: string, text?: string): Promise<boolean>

Opens a prompt asking for confirmation. Returns true or false based on answer.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

infoDialog: (header: string, text: string[] | string): Promise<void>

Opens a dialog showing information the text and an OK button. You can pass a single string, which results in a single line, or an array of strings, which will be displayed as multiple lines.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

suggester: (displayItems: string[] | ((value: string, index?: number, arr?: string[]) => string[]), actualItems: string[]): Promise<string>

Opens a suggester. Displays the displayItems, but you map these the other values with actualItems.

The displayItems can either be an array of strings, or a map function that will be executed on the actual items.

This means that the following syntax is possible:

const pickedFile = await params.quickAddApi.suggester(
(file) => file.basename,

Returns the selected value.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

checkboxPrompt: (items: string[], selectedItems: string[]): Promise<string[]>

Opens a checkbox prompt with the items given. Items in the selectedItems array will be selected by default.

Returns an array of the selected items.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

executeChoice(choiceName: string, variables?: {[key: string]: any}): Promise

Executes choice with the given name.

You can also pass an optional parameter, variables.

The object will be read as variables for the choice to be executed. These variables do not affect the currently set variables. You should view the execution as a new branch, separate from the one executing the macro.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

Example use case for executeChoice

Say you have added a Capture Choice. Now you want to call it from within a script / macro, because you want to execute it repeatedly with different parameters.

Then you'd be able to do something like this:

const massiveDataArray = [/* ... */];
massiveDataArray.forEach(async (data) => {
await params.quickAddApi.executeChoice('Capture Choice', {
X: data.x,
Y: data.y,
Z: data.z,
// ...

This would execute the choice for each item in the array, passing the data as a variable. This means you can access the variables from within your Capture with {{VALUE:X}} (and so on, for each key-value pair in the object).

Utility module

getClipboard(): Promise<string>

Returns the contents of your clipboard.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

Syntax: await quickAddApi.utility.getClipboard();

setClipboard(text: string): Promise

Sets the contents of your clipboard to the given input.

This function is asynchronous. You should await it.

Syntax: await quickAddApi.utility.setClipboard();

Date module

Formats always default to YYYY-MM-DD.

now(format?: string, offset?: number)

Gets the current time and formats according to the given format.

Providing an offset will offset the date by number of days. Giving -1 would mean yesterday, and giving 1 would mean tomorrow - and so on.

tomorrow(format?: string)

Same as now but with offset set to 1.

yesterday(format?: string)

Again, same as now but with offset set to -1.


The Obsidian API is exposed as well. Accessible through the first parameter in your scripts. For example:

module.exports = ({obsidian}) => {
// obsidian is the API